Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Computer Lab

Later this week, I will be meeting with the administrators of the religious school where I taught last year. I am looking forward to it. Last year I taught in the computer lab. Each Sunday, a different teacher would bring his or her classes to the lab. I had been in touch with them prior, as to what material they wanted to cover, and I would put a lesson plan together.

I usually found some educational sites, some of which required more reading than the students wanted to do. I also, however, found sites with games, sites where they could make flyers with Hebrew letters, and a whole slew more.

In a previous post I indicated how it is amazing just what you can find on the internet when it comes to Jewish material. It was as a result of teaching this Sunday class that I learned just how much stuff is out there.

The religious school is looking at making some changes to the curriculum and the way certain classes are taught, but they seem dedicated to leaving the computer lab in tact. Still, other changes will impact the lab so they wanted to hold off on meeting with me until after they had things set with other teachers. That should have been finalized last week. Now I get to meet with them and find out just what I will be doing. Once that happens, I can begin to start putting some lesson plans together.

The truth is while I am enjoying the time away, I also miss it and am looking forward to having the opportunity to get back to it.

And they pay me to do this!! I am a happy individual.

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