Monday, July 16, 2007

The Internet

It is amazing how much you can find on line these days. I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I am doing the Haftorah for this coming Saturday. I knew this portion switched back and forth between the different tropes but I wasn’t sure exactly where the melody change took place nor was I sure about the Aicha trope.

I found on line a website, . This site has a number of things but one thing it has that I think is great is a link to hear and Torah sedrah chanted, as well as any Haftorah portion. For the Torah portion, I can either choose to listen to all seven aliyot, or I can listen verse by verse.

I do occasionally read Torah and I like to double check things. I do not do it exactly the way the individual who does it for this website does, but it is still very helpful. It was this website where I learned the Aicha trope and learned where the switches take place. It definitely helps and I would urge anyone who reads Torah or Haftorah, but more specifically Torah, to give a listen.

The site also has a D’var Torah for each sedrah, calendar information and just all around helpful information. One additional part of this site, or actually a related site, part of the ORT site, but not part of the navigating the Bible portion, has to do with Yizkor. You can put tributes up there to people who have passed away and sign up to have them send you reminders of Yahrzeits via e-mail.

As I said at the beginning, it is amazing just what you can find on the internet these days. The educational material is wonderful. For those people who do not feel comfortable asking someone to check their trope, or their Hebrew, this website is the answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you help me find Aicha trope on the internet? I tried the link in your post but I was not successful. Thanks for any additional info.